Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Kyle Howard Blog Post 4

Kyle Howard
English Blog Post
February 27, 2013
Dr. Ellis

Blog Post
            “Theology” by Dunbar, “Tableau” by Cullen, and Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” are three similar pieces of literature if you dig beneath the surface of the actual text. Both of the poems by Dunbar and Cullen are quite short but do have rather large meanings. The first half of “Frankenstein” has kept me hooked and I cannot wait to read the second half. The first half introduces numerous characters and also introduces a sense of later doom on the main character, Victor Frankenstein. Along with these three readings I also attended a viewing of numerous short videos from the group Wide Angle Youth Media. This group helps under privileged kids make videos about topics that are important to the current youth of Baltimore. All of the videos had the main theme of responsibilities and rights for younger people.
            Each item that is being discussed has one main theme and it is a major theme of responsibility. In “Theology” by Dunbar, The speaker believes in the existence of heaven and hell and unfortunately this discussion will not be about that topic, but the fact that the speaker has a responsibility. If the speaker believes in heaven and hell he/she has a responsibility to be a better person in society in order to reach heaven. “Tableau” by Cullen discusses two young boys walking down the street in unison but one boy is black and the other is white. During the time period this was a huge issue and these boys have committed to walking together and now they have a social responsibility to not fall to the peer pressure of the adults who are gossiping around them. This idea is similar to the idea in the presentation that I watched. All of the kids had a social responsibility that they wanted to shed light on and they did in the use of the videos they made. No matter what difficulties the kids faced they stayed strong and completed the goal that they set out to complete. Just like the two young boys in “Tableau”, these young people who were part of the Wide Angle Youth Media were extremely persistent and finished what they started. Victor Frankenstein holds a different type of responsibility in Mary Shelley’s story. Victor creates this horrible monster after he had such a desire to create a new species. The monster is hideous and Victor is upset but the monster also escapes and shortly after kills Victor’s Brother, William. The murder is blamed on another character, Justine, who is later killed for the murder of William. Victor is now responsible for this horrible monster that he has created and he also responsible for the deaths of Justine and William. Clearly Victor’s responsibility is not as uplifting as the other three items that were discussed but he does still have responsibilities no matter how gruesome they are.
            Responsibility, in my opinion, used to be a top priority for so many people in society, but now everybody is looking for someone else to blame. Society used to work harder when they were given responsibility and now that entire idea is lost because it is so much easier to blame someone else. Watching the presentation felt like a perfect breath of fresh air; these young people took full responsibility for a social issue and sought to find a way to make it better. What astonished me the most was the fact that after they took charge of a social issue they continued to make a short video ranging from two to eight minutes on the topic. These young people have learned an invaluable trait and that is to take full responsibility for something they want fixed.

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